Approaches to the classification of high-tech companies from the negative and positive point of view


  • Dagmar Vávrová BUT


high-tech company, high-tech product, CZ NACE, economic activities, research and development, Industry 4.0


Purpose of the article: The article analyzes approaches to demarcation and defining high-tech companies from the point of view of economic activities, research and development, international patent classification, their readiness for a period called Industry 4.0. and their real behavior. It analyzes the specifics of the individual classifications, compares them and focuses on defining this concept towards future research to determine the use of current approaches in the management of these companies, revealing their specifics and recommending tools suitable for successful enforcement of these companies in global competition.

Methodology/methods: Content analysis, including methods and rules for defining the term high-tech company.

Scientific aim: The main objective is to define a specific group of economic entities - high tech companies - from the perspective of classification of economic activities, according to international patent classification,  realization of its own research and development, according to readiness within Industry 4.0 for identifying the application of current marketing approaches in the management of these companies.

Findings: In order to define the term high-tech company, we meet many approaches and different definitions, mostly aimed at a particular intent or determination, not a generic term. The article analyzes the individual approaches in detail and on the basis of their mutual comparison and evaluation, for the future research was chosen the intersection of three basic views within the Czech Republic.

Conclusions: Following the definition of high-tech companies, which is necessary to analyze and apply current marketing approaches in the management of these companies, the next step in the implementation of the research will be the validation of the capability of the existing criteria and the addition of other, statistically significant criteria defining the high-tech company.


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Section 2: Perspectives of Law