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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Conference Language in Perspectives of Law section: for paper only English; for the presentation and discussion should be English, Czech, Polish, Slovak, Hungarian.

Conference Language in Perspectives of Business and Entrepreneurship Development section: English.

JEL Codes: Every abstract and paper must have the JEL Q01 classification listed first. JEL codes (

Requirements for abstracts:

Abstracts must be submitted by the main author (first author listed on the title page of the abstract)

  1. Enter the FULL TITLE of your submission. This will be used for printing in the final program.
  2. The abstract must specify research purpose, methodology/methods, and scientific goal, findings, and conclusions, limits of research or conclusions´ implications (250-300 words)
  3. Keywords in English and JEL Classification (5-6 words)
  4. Affiliations, Please list the universities or other institutions with which the authors are affiliated
  5. Authors. You MUST enter the names of ALL authors here - including yourself if you are an author - in the order in which you wish them to appear in the printed text. Names omitted here will NOT be printed in the author index or the final program
  6. Please choose a subject category which best describes your submission
  7. Please choose your preferred means of presentation
  8. Audiovisual equipment required
  9. Check this box to give us permission to print your submission on CD and in hardcopy if it is accepted for presentation
  10. I confirm that at least one author will register in full to attend and present the paper at the Conference

Template - Abstract

Requirements for papers:

Papers must be submitted by the main author (first author listed on the title page of the paper).

  1. The paper submitted for edition have to be focusing on conference theme. The condition of editing the paper is its originality. The editors have the right to exclude the article.
  2. The statement about the originality of the paper – the author will submit a statement about the originality of his paper and statement that the paper has not been published or offered for editing to another publisher. The statement will send with the paper electronically in Open Journal Systems.
  3. The review process is arranged by blind system. The reviewers are independent experts.
  4. Languages used: English.
  5. Author(s) contact must consist of name and surname (including titles), name of institution, name of department (institute), contact address, phone, e-mail, for each author.
  6. Title of the paper should be in English language.
  7. At the beginning of paper, there will be an abstract in English language. The abstract must specify research purpose, methodology/methods, and scientific goal, findings, and conclusions, limits of research or conclusions´ implications (250–300 words).
  8. Keywords in English and JEL Classification.
  9. The structure of the paper is described in document (Template) below.
  10. The paper should not be longer than 10 pages A4. The format of pages A4 (210 × 297 mm), edges: right – 2,5 cm, left – 2,5 cm, upper – 3 cm, lower – 3 cm. Line spacing-single. Format of pictures, figures, tables, etc., must be located over both of text columns with maximum size on 1 page A4, and their count have to be adequate to the content of the paper.
  11. Tables, figures, pictures and so on are to be numbered and the references must be in text. The source from which the author gained the data should be written under every one.
  12. In case of publication results from individual research project will be acknowledgement situated before References
  13. In the end of paper is list of References. The references cited have to be in alphabetical order, unnumbered according to APA style http:// References are according the document below. Bottom notes are forbidden – if it is necessary place it individually (numbered) before References.
  14. It is necessary to use relevant references, especially papers and texts from Web of Science and Scopus databases.
  15. For writing your paper use please MS Word (6.0 version or higher) supported formats .docx, .doc. Do not underline the text. The print of the proceeding is in black and white format, which means all the colour tables etc. will be reversed into black and white format. Print of proceeding is black and white.
  16. All text (including figure, table, graph…) has to be in black-white version. Chart background with no fill.
  17. In case that your paper contain pictures, photographs and other pictographic elements do not forget about references (name of author(s)). If using work of other author(s) follows the act law no. 121/2000 Author Law(CZ).
  18. For creating tables please use programs MS Word (6.0 version or higher), MS Excel (5.0 version or higher). If creating tables please use the simplest format (thin lines, basic fonts etc.)
  19. Author / authors should add DOI of cited references if possible. DOI can be found:
  20. Declaration on the conferral of a licence for publication – the author will submit his or her agreement to the individual provisions of the licence agreement in electronic form in Open Journal Systems along with his or her paper.
  21. All parties to the editorial process respect the Ethical Rules of Conference.

Template - Paper

Section 1: Perspectives of Business and Entrepreneurship Development

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • The effectiveness of economic instruments, such as taxation and subsidies, in incentivizing sustainable behavior
  • The relationship between environmental protection and economic growth
  • The challenges and opportunities of implementing sustainable development policies at the business, local, national, and international levels
  • The role of businesses and entrepreneurship in achieving sustainable development goals
  • The effectiveness of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in promoting sustainable development
  • The impact of sustainable business models on economic growth and social well-being
  • The challenges and opportunities of scaling up sustainable business models
  • The relationship between sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation
  • The role of technology and innovation in achieving sustainable development goals

Section 2: Perspectives of Law

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • The role of legal frameworks and institutions in promoting sustainable development
  • The role of tax law and local authorities for sustainable development
  • Preparedness of current law to deal with emergencies
  • Contexts of illegal work to sustainable development
  • Contexts of financial literacy to sustainable development

Privacy Statement

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Information on personal data controller

The personal data controller, i.e. Brno University of Technology with its registered office at Antonínská 548/1, 601 90 Brno, Id. No.: 00216305, Tax Id. No.: CZ00216305, is a public higher-education institution established through a law. In its activities, Brno University of Technology processes personal data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) and other legislation. In connection with the effect of the above specified regulation (hereinafter the “GDPR”), Brno University of Technology (BUT) appointed RNDr. Mgr. Daniela Dvorská to be the data protection officer. You can contact the data protection officer at the registered office of BUT at Antonínská 548/1, 601 90 Brno, or via e-mail:

Information on the processed personal data relating to the attendees

The data controller processes the following personal data regarding the 18th International Scientific Conference: „Perspectives of Business and Entrepreneurship Development: Digital Transformation for Business Model Innovation“ attendees (data subjects):

  1. Name and surname, academic degrees
  2. Sex
  3. Name of the institution (university)
  4. Registered office of the institution (university)
  5. E-mail address
  6. Phone number, possibly a fax number

The following data relating to the attendees are also processed:

  1. Topic of lecture, description of lecture – only lecturers
  2. Institution’s (university) bank account number

Lawfulness of personal data processing

Above mentioned personal data are processed on the legal ground of performance of a contract. 

Information on the duration of personal data processing

The personal data will be stored in paper or electronic information systems of BUT for 5 years from date of the conference; after expiry of this period, the relevant documents containing personal data will be archived. Personal data stored in the electronic information systems will be handled in the same way (archiving).

Rights of data subjects

A data subject has the right to request from the personal data controller (hereinafter also the “data controller”) access to personal data (he/she can request information as to which personal data relating to him/her are being processed), rectification and erasure of personal data and restriction of processing. A data subject has the right to object to processing and the right to portability of personal data.