Editorial Integrity

Open Access Policy

This conference provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Editorial integrity

One of our top priorities and responsibilities is to prevent any illegal or unethical practice. Plagiarism is not tolerated in any form. Through the submission of a manuscript, the author confirms that it is their own original research. The following rules are binding for all parties who participate in the conference and are published in the Conference Proceedings.

Ethical rules

The fundamental and overriding priority of the edition of publications within the international scientific conference consists in preventing any illegal and unethical procedures and practices. The purpose is to publish the results of the authors based on their own research or possibly other creative activities supporting the extension of the boundaries of human knowledge, developing artistic and cultural values, education, technological innovation, etc., while always ensuring that the results serve to benefit society. It is vital to respect the intellectual property of others and to respect copyright rules under the Copyright Act. There will be zero tolerance in any case of plagiarism.

Upon submitting the paper, the author (authors) confirms (confirm) that it is their own original work. The following rules are binding for all parties entering into the editorial process.

Programme Committee

  • Respects the general ethical rules related to organising scientific conferences and publishing expert scientific publications based on the "blind peer review" procedure (see the Review Procedure);
  • Is responsible for the content and the overall professional level of the accepted papers and other contributions presented at the conference and published in the conference proceedings;
  • Reserves the right to accept or reject the paper (or any other kind of contributions) as part of the review procedure, and in the case of completing the review procedure, it shall decide on its publishing;
  • Works with all information relating to the paper submitted on a confidential basis;
  • Provides anonymity of the reviewers and authors throughout the peer review procedure;
  • Prevents any potential conflict of interest between the authors and reviewers;

Editors of the proceedings:

  • Respect the general ethical rules related to organising scientific conferences and publishing expert scientific publications based on the "double blind peer review" procedure (see the Review Procedure);
  • Are responsible for the content and the overall technical level of the papers and other contributions published in the conference proceedings;
  • Reserve the right to accept or reject the paper (or any other kind of contributions) as part of the review procedure, and in the case of completing the review procedure, it shall decide on its publishing;
  • Work with all information relating to the paper submitted on a confidential basis;
  • Provide anonymity of the reviewers and authors throughout the peer review procedure;
  • Prevent any potential conflict of interest between the authors and reviewers;

Author(s) of the paper:

  • Is responsible for following the instructions for authors and formal requirements of the paper (see the Instructions for Authors and a Paper Template);
  • Confirms that the submitted paper has never been published or sent to another review procedure;
  • Confirms that the paper is their own original work;
  • Is responsible for the objectivity, reliability and accuracy of the published results of their research and respects the limits of the methods used;
  • Pays attention to the completeness, verifiability and objective interpretation when publishing their findings and results;
  • Is responsible for the completeness and accuracy of quotations and obtaining the necessary permits to use the intellectual property of other persons or legal entities (if necessary);
  • Should they detect a mistake in their publication, or any other serious misconduct or inadequacy related to the content, they will undertake all necessary and possible steps to remedy it, while not attempting to conceal or disguise it;
  • Deliberately does not publish only a partial proportion of their research activities with a view to increasing the number of publications;
  • Is responsible for mentioning the contribution of all the of co-authors who participated in preparing and drafting the paper and declares that all the co-authors are aware that the paper has been submitted to the review procedure and agree with its content and publishing their names as co-authors;
  • Is responsible for the author's last final adjustments;
  • Shall notify any conflict of interest;
  • Shall sign and send to the editors of the proceedings the Warranty Declaration of the Paper's Author and the Licence to Publish;

Paper reviewer:

  • Performs the specified examination, review or any other assessment activity in person, independently and thoroughly;
  • Protects the intellectual property of the authors of the reviewed papers, does not use information contained in the reviewed documents for any purpose other than to draw up the relevant report and shall not provide them to any other third party;
  • Does not deliberately extend the review time for the purpose of obtaining personal advantage or third-party advantage;
  • Shall refuse to draft a scientific or expert opinion, if the findings might be influenced by his personal interest, or they will clearly notify of these facts; shall refrain from any intentional conflicts of interest;
  • Drafts expert opinions responsibly and always within the scope of their expertise; does not yield to external pressures;
  • In the course of evaluation and review procedures, they proceed, if possible, from objective criteria; respects the rules of the review procedure of the journal and requires the same from the other parties to the given procedure;
  • Shall notify of any discrepancies or similarities with other reviewed papers or previously published works which they know;
  • Is responsible for an objective review procedure in the course of evaluating the anonymously sent papers and the legitimacy of their views, including clear arguments; the reviewer should also recommend additional literature and resources, if not been included in the paper;
  • Shall recommend publishing only the positively reviewed paper;
  • Shall notify the editor that they are unable to meet the deadline of the peer review or recommend another reviewer;
  • Shall notify any conflict of interest.