Selected aspects of OTC sales in a pharmacy and by seller of reserved drugs


  • Martin Pernica Faculty of Business and Management, Brno University of Technology


OTC medicine, pharmabox, pharmacy, seller of reserved drugs, State Institute for Drug Control


Purpose of the article Medical care suffers from a lack of funds, especially for the financing of patient care and salaries. The Czech Republic has ceased payments for medicines that can be dispensed without a prescription. One of the possibilities for higher patient participation is to expand the supply of OTC medicines.

Methodology/methods Logical methods were used to process the paper; in particular, this includes induction and deduction, analysis, synthesis, and comparison. In order to assess the development of the supplies of medicinal products to pharmacies and healthcare facilities in the Czech Republic, the period 2014-2016 was used.

Scientific aim The aim of the paper is to compare the conditions for the sale of a selected range of OTC medicines, which can be sold both in the pharmacy and outside the pharmacy by the sellers of reserved drugs. The comparison will be made for the example of the most common pharmacy with an annual turnover of CZK 5-10 million and the MEDIPOINT sales point.

Findings Sales of OTC medicines outside pharmacies do not have an impact on the financial results of pharmacies. The training costs for each employee of the service station are the only costs associated with the sale of medicines. All kinds of pharmabox are the property of MEDIPOINT Services. A partner, such as a gas station, will receive it free of charge for use with complete service. The pharmacy must employ pharmacists and is therefore burdened with much higher wage costs, is legally responsible for sales, and is forced to sell under a competitive market with a lower mark-up.

Conclusions The state should consider the risks associated with this type of drug sales by very poorly qualified petrol station staff. Risk preparations containing ibuprofen and paracetamol should only be available in a pharmacy.


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Section 1: Perspectives of Business and Entrepreneurship Development