Web-Based and Real-Life Idea Management Systems

Theoretical and Practical Evidence of Disparities and Parities


  • Elina Mikelsone Idea Innovation Institute


Purpose of the article Digitalization and innovations change the nature of economic and management in the 21st century and digital technologies are the main game-changers. Idea Management Systems (IMS) provides a systematical and manageable idea generation and evaluation process, but web-based IMS provides the opportunity to manage these processes digitally. The main questions: (1) what are the main parities and disparities of real-life and web-based IMS; (2) what are the main management elements in both versions of IMS. This research will fill this research gap by providing the disparities and parities of these systems and their management processes.

Methodology/methods Research method to create a comparison of parities and disparities between real life and web-based IMS will be applied systematical and analytical literature analyses from scientific databases. Case studies will be applied to characterize the main elements in management contexts in both versions of IMS.

Scientific aim to analyze web-based and real-life IMS from theoretical and process management contexts.

Findings literature review results highlight that the main parities of these systems are in function level, application types, but the main disparities in management, competencies, resources, involvement aspects.

Conclusions Even IMS in real-life and web-based versions provide the same idea management functions, there are disparities in the management process, competencies and resources that organizations need to apply these versions of IMS. The author proposes to mix real-life and web-based IMS application types to gain the benefits from both application versions.


Keywords: idea management, idea management systems, innovation, management, application, technologies, digitalization


JEL Classification: M190; M150, M110

Acknowledgment: work has been supported by the European Regional Development Fund within the Activity “Postdoctoral Research Aid” of the Specific Aid Objective 1.1.1 “To increase the research and innovative capacity of scientific institutions of Latvia and the ability to attract external financing, investing in human resources and infrastructure” of the Operational Programme “Growth and Employment” (N -

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