Comparison of neural networks and regression time series in predicting development of EU export to PRC



neural networks, regression, time series, predicting development, export


Purpose of the article This article focuses on the development of EU-China exports and trade in general, and also the advanatges and disadvantages of regression analysis and neural networks in prediction.

Methodology/methods The data for the analysis are available at the World Bank websites, etc. For the purpose of the analysis, the data on the EU export to the People´s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as “PRC”) is used. The time period for which the data are available is a monthly export for the period starting from January 2000 and ending in July 2018. In total, it is 223 input data. The unit is euro.

Scientific aim The objective of the contribution is to compare the accuracy of equalized time series by means of regression analysis and neural networks on the example of the EU export to the PRC.

Findings It can be stated that due to the high simplification of the reality it is not possible to predict extraordinary situations and their impact on the EU export to the PRC (at least not in the long term). Prediction in the order of days would be ideal; however, it is not possible to obtain data for such a short prediction.

Conclusions The EU export to the PRC can be identified based on statistical, causal and intuitive methods. These, however, provided only a possible framework of the monitored variable development. It is important to work with the information on a possible future develop-ment of political, economic or legal environment. Optically, in terms of the linear regression, the most suitable one appear to be the LOWESS curve. The second best possible is the curve obtained by the negative exponential smoothing least squares method and distance-weighting least squares method. In terms of neural networks, all retained neural structures appear to be applicable in practice, as there is no significant difference between them.


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Section 1: Perspectives of Business and Entrepreneurship Development