Vegetarianism vs gender: How behave target potential customers in purchasing process


  • František Milichovský Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Business and Management, Department of Management
  • Pavel Mráček Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Business and Management, Department of Management
  • Veronika Jelínková Hospital Havlíčkův Brod


vegetarianism, gender, veganism, customer’s behaviour


Purpose of the article Behaviour in food choice usually associated with personal identity, in which is important interpersonal communication to others. Vegetarians have typically different attitude vis-à-vis animals and the environment. In comparison with vegans vegetarians are quite tolerant to other animal products except meat. Vegans do not accept any animal products such e.g. eggs, dairy, fish, poultry etc. That approach should impact requirements on food offer and perception of potential customers.

Methodology/methods There were employed questionnaire survey on the topic of nutrition tendencies in group of young people according to their gender. There were asked 1597 persons to participate in the primary research. From this amount we receive 351 questionnaires, what mean 21,98% returned forms. According to respondents’ gender, there were participated 189 women (53,8 % of all participants) and 162 men (46,2 % of all participants). For evaluation of gained data there was applied Pearson’s chi-square test for independence of variables.

Scientific aim Marketing communication tools in sell-points could strongly influence behaviour of customers in the process of decision making process. Main objective of the paper is to find connection between suggestions of vegetarianism and gender of target potential customers.

Findings From survey authors chose general opinions about vegetarianism. These feelings are as follow: vegetarianism is healthful, vegetarianism does not include enough nutrients for humans, vegetarianism is danger for child evolution, human body is adapted to meat consummation, vegetarians lasting out higher age. These items were put into evaluation by Pearson’s chi square test and were found out, that there exist connection between gender and healthfulness of vegetarianism (sign=0,045; cont.coef.=0,392), and gendfer and vegetarianism is danger for child evolution (sign=0,043; cont.coef.=0,411).

Conclusions Vegetarianism has become trendier during present time in almost whole Europe. One of the reasons for this development is increasing knowledge of the topic and accepting specifics of healthy life-style. Such limitation there is possible to consider focus on Czech Republic.






Section 2: Perspectives of Law