Trustness to the Digital Business Models in eHealth


  • Andrzej Pawluczuk Bialystok University of Technology


digital business model, ehealth, service, trustness


Purpose of the article

The purpose of this paper is to identify the digital business model in health service from economic, technology and societal perspective.


The paper is based on multiple case study analysis including a typical ehealths services companies traded on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The author conduct a pilotage survey among 200 young people to examine their trust to new digital business model.

Scientific aim

The paper draws a diagnose of strategic advantages new digital business models in long term. The aim was to diagnose new models, which are supported by public funds (for example European funding), privates funds (Business Angels) and by envolved young researchers. The second scientific aim was to examine the trustness to ehealth services among young people – potential patients in the future. 


Among existing studies, attention has been consistently devoted to practical aspects of digital business model in health services. This sector is rapidly growing up, so it could be more popular in the society. From the economic point, the digital business model should be more accessible for their patients. Young people do not like to share of information about their health, when it could be hacked however the easy way of diagnosis encourage them to use a new technology. They read from the press information about the ehealths models, however there is no incentives or offers from doctors. 

Conclusions (limits, implications etc)

The future research should consider a questionnaire among doctors and elder patients in matter of their openners of new digital business model and trustness to use it. Ehealth services will be grow up because of awareness of new technology, low cost and better way of diagnoses.






Section 2: Perspectives of Law