Innovation Scorecard in an Agile Software Development Working Environment


  • Pavla Vaverková Brno University of Technology
  • Ondřej Žižlavský Brno University of Technology
  • Eddie Fisher Universidad de Oriente


Innovation, Agile Software, Scrum, Innovation Scorecard, KPIs, Metrics, Process Efficiency



This paper provides a literature analysis of relationships between agile management methods and innovation management control. It considers a potential implementation of an Innovation Scorecard framework within software development organisations.


The theoretical background is based on a methodical system approach: analysis, comparison and synthesis. Analysis is used to acquire new knowledge and its interpretation. When processing secondary data, the secondary analysis method was used. Professional literature, particularly foreign sources, provided a source of secondary data. Synthesis was used designing an Innovation Scorecard solution within a short-term project that was based on a Scrum approach.

Scientific aim

The scientific aim of the paper is to gain knowledge and analyze the present status of agile management and innovation management control as it pertains to the Czech and foreign professional literature. The objective of the article rests in the summary and presentation of results of a literature analysis of the relationship between those areas. In addition, the paper is also important in terms of innovation management, which is a field of science, and also of related disciplines, specifically strategic management.


On the basis of the literature review, the process for the design and implementation of an Innovation Scorecard within an IT organization is proposed. The Innovation Scorecard methodology does not represent a static framework but can be customized according to the specific needs of an individual innovation project. When applied in Agile environemnts measuring gates (check-points) can be removed to fit in with that particular environment.


The authors present the potential benefits of the Innovation Scorecard implementation. They are aware of limitations which lead to opportunities in any future research. These shortfalls will be recovered in a planned followed-up project known as ‘Innovation Scorecard: Management Control Framework of Innovation Project in IT industry’ no. TL02000007. This is supported through funding from the Program Éta by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic.






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