Challenges and use of virtual tools in teamwork


  • Joanna Samul Bialystok University of Technology
  • Anamaria Petre Babeş-Bolyai University


teamwork, virtual tools, virtual team


Purpose of the article There have been many studies focusing on teamwork. However, the digital transformation has caused new challenges in this field. Thus, the aim of the article is to provide insight into the most significant challenges in virtual teamwork and to identify the used and known virtual tools.

Methodology/methods This study adopted a quantitative approach by means of questionnaire administered online. The final sample consisted of 622 respondents from two universities from Poland and Romania. The survey was conducted on January 2019. Students from several classes from the bachelor and the master programs of all faculties of both universities were approached to respond to a survey.

Scientific aim The aim of the survey was to diagnose the students’ experience in virtual teamwork, their challenges of working in this type of teams, and knowing and using of tools for virtual teamwork.

Findings The research results shows that almost half of the students (48,1 percent) have experience in virtual teamwork. Their experience is mainly regarding with preparing a project or a presentation for classes. However, the most used tools are these which are the most popular: messengers, mobile phone, social media like Facebook, e-mail and tool for creating folders and holding files like Google drive. Thus, one of the dimensions of challenges of work in virtual teams is insufficient knowledge of IT tools by team members and technology difficulties (eg. software, computer, internet access).

Conclusions In the context of growing needs in this area, it seems important to support to acquire teamwork skills. It seems that the students learn to use virtual tools by the way doing of something for classes. Thus, the classes should teach students how to use of virtual tools to a greater extent, especially that some of the tools are well known but not used. Organizations might offer internships to enable students to develop skills in using specific virtual tools.


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